The Zodiac for Kids
The Zodiac for Kids is an insightful look at the Zodiac for Kids by Christina. In short stories about each Zodiac Signs, you’ll get an experiential look at what each sign means, and how it affects those born under that star sign.
- Are you always itching to head off on your next adventure, sometimes rushing into a situation before you think it through?
- Do people tell you you’ve got the gift of gab, but it doesn’t always seem like a gift?
- Do you always want to be the best at everything?
Ascension 8
Battling demons both internal and external, the teenagers must grow up quickly as they travel through time and right wrongs from their past.
They must battle the Dark People and unite the Twin Flames that roam the earth, culminating in an epic battle between good and evil.
This fantastical adventure by Christina will have you gripping the edge of your seat as Nico and the others war against the forces of evil.

I have read with Christina for over 10 years. I am blown away at her accuracy. There were times when I doubted but she stuck to her guns and sure enough what she predicted came true. I appreciate your patience with me and my obsessive late night phone calls asking the same questions over and over again. You are my go to girl. Thank you! ~ Anna T. Long Island, NY