You are CURSED!
Are you shocked right now? Take a few steps down the memory lane and recall the time when you heard it from a psychic.
Indeed, you must be saying “multiple times.”
Before putting your mind into the trouble zone, did the skeptical thoughts ever fly across your mind? If your answer is “NO” then it says all.
“You too are a victim of fake psychic medium readings.” A shocking awakening for you; merely because they say you are cursed doesn’t mean that you are actually cursed. The evaluation phase should come before you put your trust into medium readings online.
Trusted psychic mediums are not less than diamonds as it is pretty hard to find them. Inevitably, I want to save you from falling into the trap of bogus psychics.
Within a few minutes, you’ll be able to determine whether a psychic is legit or fake. Take out 5 minutes from your busy schedule and give it a read if you want to save your hard earned money going into the wrong hands.
Fake psychics makes you go crazy by asking a dozen of questions
I remember an incident when a client came to “Christina Predicts” and told her story.
She came across the online medium reading option on one of the web pages and ended up spending her money there. The session took almost 15 minutes, and the psychic kept on asking a plethora of questions. Right after the interrogation process, the psychic replied: “Oh, you are cursed.”
Oh wow! What a great idea to hatch money from innocent beings who put their trust in you. Any psychic that asks you lots of questions just look for the clue to answer your question. You don’t know, but sometimes, you answer your question and get surprised when a fake psychic tells you the same.
Phony Mediums don’t provide you with the accurate evidence
Mediumship isn’t easy. In the psychic medium readings, many provide you with the general messages rather than the precise one. A true medium can communicate to the spirit and can tell you about the person’s history, a bit about the physical appearance and the reason of death.
Any medium that fails to give you an idea of the deceased person’s appearance and age only wraps you into another scam. You can expect vague answers and advice from an inexperienced or fake mediums.
A true psychic will never ask for your personal information
When you go to a medium, and the medium asks you to share your bank details; just say it.
“Oh, I forgot that I have something urgent to do; I’ll get in touch later.”
Runaway, but never give your bank account details or any sensitive information to a medium such as your passwords. If you smell something suspicious in the air, report it to the authorities.
Look for the past record of that psychic
If the psychic is highly intuitive then surely, there would be a huge fan base. A considerable number of clients speak for the authenticity of the mystic. You can check the past record of that psychic before putting your money on the table.
Let’s say that you are opting for online medium reading; you can check the testimonials of the client. Explore what others are saying about the psychic and then opt for one.
The same line – “You are cursed.”
It seems like every other person on the planet Earth is cursed. You can try it out if you haven’t tried it before. Phony psychics tell every other person about the curse they have. They ask for money to remove that curse.
Please beware of the most common scam of the psychic world. By saying that “you are cursed”, they just seek to run the business of fear and earn money out of it. Phony psychics have already eaten a huge amount of people’s money in the name of removing the magic spells.
You are in shock; aren’t you?
At some point, you must have faced a similar situation. Many clairvoyants are in the spell of lust and they try to trap you in their web. Keep your eyes open and turn deaf ears to the false claims of phony psychics.
A true psychic always states the fact and gives you useful insights related to your future. Be assured that a permanent curse doesn’t exist; there is always a way out. If in case a psychic asks you to pay more, else the curse will coming back to you time and again, just don’t pay attention to the scam.