A few years ago, “Mary” came to me complaining of chronic headaches, inability to lose weight, unhappy at work, and she wanted to get pregnant. She came to me asking if she was going to have a baby and how she could get through a pregnancy with all of her issues. So we set up a session and I did a scan on her.
During the scan, I saw that Mary was holding on to too many emotional issues which were getting stuck in the body and manifesting physically, including the headaches.
I decided to use The Emotion Code and EFT techniques to locate and clear the originating triggering emotional issues. Once we started opening up the emotional issues we noticed some other underlying issues impacting the headaches, such as parasites and TMJ.
She had spoken to a dentist about her TMJ before, and he had wanted to give her root canal to relieve the pain. When we worked together to clear up the parasites with diet, the TMJ and headaches cleared up naturally.
Additionally, as the emotional issues were cleared, great opportunities for her career path began to show up. Everything was related! Now it is years later and Mary is happy in her career as well as being well on the way to building the big family she’s always dreamed of.